Vertigo & Dizziness Care in Santa Barbara
Experiencing vertigo and dizziness can be disorienting, debilitating, and frightening, with symptoms ranging from mild unsteadiness to intense spinning sensations that disrupt daily life. These common yet often elusive disorders can leave sufferers searching for answers. While various medical professionals attempt to address these conditions, the underlying causes can be mysterious and varied.
Inner ear issues or infections are frequently linked to vertigo and dizziness, as the inner ear, specifically the cochlea, plays a crucial role in maintaining our balance. Despite receiving a diagnosis, traditional treatments like medication might not always provide complete relief, leaving many patients seeking more effective solutions.
How Chiropractic Care Helps
Holistic Approach to Treatment
Chiropractic care addresses the entire body rather than focusing solely on the neck. Many conditions, including vertigo, can stem from a body out of balance. Factors like diet, exercise, and overall well-being play a role. A comprehensive chiropractic approach involves:
- Identifying dietary issues and providing proper nutritional guidance.
- Evaluating exercise routines, sleeping postures, pillow types, and workstation ergonomics to ensure they support balance rather than hinder it.
- Offering lifestyle recommendations to help maintain overall well-being.
What to Expect from Chiropractic Care
Stop the Spinning & Restore the Balance
If you’re struggling with vertigo or dizziness, we are here for you. Dr. Bissell wants to help you find relief and maintain your balance through personalized care. Contact our clinic today to schedule an appointment.