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Subtract Stress to Help Restore Your Health

woman standing against the sun arms raisedStress. It’s an enigma, a mystery word. We all feel it from time to time but there is not a way to quantify it. Although it doesn’t show up on an MRI, stress is a real entity and it can wreak havoc on our health. It can show up in relationships (personal or work-related), politics or job changes, and it affects us in multiple ways.

Try to identify to your best ability where your stress is coming from. Once you pinpoint that, you can seek to remove or reduce that particular stressor. For example, if political discussions with family members or friends are creating stress or tension avoid such talks. Agree to disagree and talk about something else.

Here are some other ways to get a handle on stress:

Take Care of Yourself

If you’re burning the proverbial candle at both ends, your stress will be through the roof. Take care of yourself by getting more sleep, eating a nutrient-dense diet, taking supplements and exercising.

Decide to Deal With It

Stress stuffing is bad for the body. There are dangers in not dealing with your stress. Some people have physical ailments, like fibromyalgia and it can impact your immunity, making you more susceptible to sickness.

Some individuals will benefit from talking to a friend or a therapist. Others will seek alone time to sort it out themselves. Consider using meditation, yoga or biofeedback. Those are all great ways to release stress.

Reconnect to Your Body

Actively take time out of your day to reconnect to your body. You will learn more about how your body deals with stress. Over time, chiropractic teaches you how to physically address those areas of stress and parts of your body where you hold it.

Delegate During the Holiday Season

With Thanksgiving only a few weeks away and the holiday season nearly upon us, the “to-dos” on our list are likely mounting. From shopping and cooking to gift wrapping and entertaining, it seems we’re short on time during this season but long on things to get done. You don’t have to take on all the tasks yourself. Delegate some of them to your family members. Doing so will lighten everyone’s stress load.

Get Adjusted

Pain can also be a stressor. Back pain can be an excruciating 10 out of 10, or if it’s a persistent shoulder ache, over time it can stress you out. The combination of chiropractic and physical therapy can decrease inflammation, increase range of motion and help you feel better, physically and mentally.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

2 Join the Conversation

  1. Jean Brooks says
    Nov 26, 2020 at 12:05 AM

    You are the best

    • Michelle Jackson says
      Dec 02, 2020 at 8:07 PM

      Thank you so much for the compliment Jean! It is always a pleasure having you in the office and helping you with your health journey.

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