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Spinal Decompression Therapy in Santa Barbara

Do you have a herniated disc, multiple herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, facet syndrome, or any other type of spinal problem? Is your doctor suggesting surgery, pain management, or physical therapy? Perhaps you have tried chiropractic or other avenues and didn’t find relief.

Visit Bissell Clinic and try out spinal decompression therapy. It’s effective and noninvasive while being affordable and less risky than surgery.


Benefit From Our Leading Technology

Designed by a team of physicians and NASA engineers, this cutting-edge therapy has given our patients relief when other therapies have failed. We have been utilizing spinal decompression for years to address herniated and bulging discs in the neck and low back. It is also helpful for facet syndrome, degenerative disc disease, and muscle spasms.

Spinal decompression therapy does not just alleviate the pain associated with these conditions. It targets the source of the pain and speeds up the healing process to provide long-term relief.

What to Expect

Your comfort is our top priority. Our team wants your visits to be enjoyable and successful. Each session is brief and administered while you’re fully clothed. Most patients undergoing this therapy report improvements and a reduction in their pain after only a few sessions.

Spinal decompression therapy gently stretches the spine, relieving pressure from the discs, joints and muscular tissues, while enhancing your body’s natural healing process. The gentle distractive forces of the Titron® DTS improve blood flow and boost nutrient exchange to the injured area.

Therapy sessions typically last less than 30 minutes. Most patients feel pain relief with as few as 6-10 sessions. It is essential to remember, however, that pain subsiding does not infer that your discs and spine are healed, so patients must stick with the protocol prescribed by their practitioners to achieve the full value.

  • Discogenic Pain: Discs lie between each of the spinal vertebrae and allow our spines to move and absorb shock. Discogenic pain refers to neck and back pain caused by the inflammation or damage to the discs. Decompression therapy alleviates pressure on discs and creates a physiological response call “imbibition” which promotes blood flow and healing.
  • Nerve Pain: Nerve impingement can result in tingling, buzzing, numbness, severe pain, and even loss of motor function. The impingement can be caused by something mechanical such as a facet joint being misaligned, disc related conditions, or degenerative changes that cause narrowing of the exiting nerve roots.

In 2007 I was diagnosed with a 7mm disc herniation in my neck and was told by two doctors that I would need surgery. Instead, I opted for the conservative, non-surgical approach of Spinal Decompression Therapy. After two months of care, I had a second MRI, which showed that the disc-herniation had shrunk by 6mm! I am now virtually pain-free and I strongly recommend the treatments for anyone with disc issues.
S. Lowe

Last Spring I became pain-free after working with Greg Perkins at Bissell Chiropractic. The multiple spinal decompression treatments and Greg’s focused exercises have meant that I, for the first time in years had no pain in my neck or lower back. I continue to benefit from these treatments. The results have been truly amazing. I am so grateful for the good care that I received at Bissell Chiropractic.
SCB Santa Barbara

Frequently Asked Questions

Does spinal decompression hurt?

Many patients report feeling like they are reversing the weight of the world and giving their back a stretch that no other movement or position could provide. In other words, our patients enjoy the therapy and never have anything to say about it hurting. Most find it relaxing and comfortable.

Who can benefit from spinal decompression?

Decompression is beneficial for anyone that suffers from a compressed or tight low back or neck, often the result of long hours sitting at a desk, high impact activities such as running, and lower or upper body exercises involving weights. These patients can use decompression therapeutically to counteract the stress caused by their activities, or preventatively to keep their spinal health in order and avoid future injury. Our doctors commonly refer to it as “spinal hygiene”, meaning it should be used regularly by all patients to maintain good health.

If I have a bulging or herniated disc, can I receive this therapy?

For those suffering from more acute back pain because of bulging or herniated discs and who are looking to avoid surgery, decompression can help by relieving pain and healing the spine through the process of “imbibition”. Over the course of the 15-minute treatment, the machine alternates between pulling the patient to their maximum poundage and then slowly releasing back to their minimum poundage, repeating this process multiple times. The continuous, accordion-like movement creates a physiological reaction that is unique to the spine, known as imbibition. During imbibition, the jelly-like substance that our discs are comprised of is reabsorbed, thus allowing the spine to heal itself from bulges or herniations. The process also increases the amount of synovial fluid and blood flow to the affected area of the spine, which is necessary for healing as the discs are avascular, meaning it does not have its own direct bloody supply. The increase in fluids and nutrients will decrease inflammation and supply the spine with the necessary nutrients required for healing.

Get Started Today

Living with pain is no way to live. You owe it to yourself to contact us today to make an appointment to see if you’re a candidate for spinal decompression therapy Santa Barbara.


Spinal Decompression Therapy Santa Barbara CA | (805) 565-5252