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Build Muscle and Burn Fat With Emsculpt Neo®

Are you tired of spending hours at the gym and not seeing the results you want? Emsculpt Neo® could be the perfect solution. This non-invasive procedure helps you build muscle and burn fat without the intense workouts or recovery time. It’s a great way to tone and strengthen your body while still going about your day.

How You Get Results

During your session, we’ll use two technologies simultaneously—Radio Frequency (RF) and High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Therapy (HIFEM®). RF heats up fat cells, helping your body break them down naturally, while HIFEM® triggers thousands of muscle contractions. It’s like doing an intense workout without the strain! Most sessions last just 30 minutes, and you’ll need around 4-8 sessions to get the best results.

You’ll start seeing changes after your first few sessions; the final results usually show up about 90 days after your last treatment. It’s a gradual, natural process that leaves you feeling stronger and more defined.

What Areas Can Emsculpt Neo Address?

This therapy is incredibly versatile and can help tone different parts of your body, like:

  • Abdomen
  • Glutes
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Calves
  • Arms (biceps and triceps)
  • Flanks

It’s a great option if you want to focus on multiple areas at once or target specific spots where stubborn fat tends to linger.

before and after male arms

Strengthen Your Core and Reduce Back Pain

Did you know Emsculpt Neo can also help with back pain? By strengthening your core muscles it takes some of the pressure off your spine, helping to ease discomfort. It’s not just about looking good—stronger core muscles help make a real difference in how you feel every day.

How Much Does The Program Cost?

We get it—everyone’s body is different, and so are their goals. That’s why we offer personalized care plans. After a consultation, we’ll work together to figure out the right package for you. Plus, we have financing options to help make it more affordable.

Ready to Get Your Sessions Started?

If you’re looking to build muscle and burn fat without the hassle, Emsculpt Neo could be the perfect fit for you. Call us at Bissell Clinic to schedule a consultation and learn how we can help you get toned!


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